The Edge
by Laura J. Canham

What a terribly sharp edge
honed to an invisible peak
That edge between not enough
And too much

Balanced perfectly
on that blade
in the space of a gasp
just enough too much

I hear whispers
telling me
to stand on my toes
at the zenith

whispers to stand
and stretch my arms upward
grasping at relief

feeling for the end
of endless knots
tightened into quantum space
snaring everything in the tangle

I will not survive
a fall from this apex
a stumble onto that blade
splitting me in two

I will not survive
on this side of the edge
taking what is handed out
ignoring my own knots

A leap is necessary
of courage
of awareness
of trust

A leap onto the summit
directly through my self
with absolute sureness,

My only choice
is to rest comfortably
in this space where there is
just enough too much

Finally untied

About the Author:
Laura J. Canham is a full-time technical writer for a software company in the Chicago area. She is a classical pianist and spends her spare time writing fiction, participating in various physical activities, and attempting to stir up trouble.

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[snarl! of the month] [the edge] [say anything] [untitled poem]
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